Friday, April 16, 2010

Schindler's List

Since most of us watched the movie, Schindler's List, this week why not talk about it
The images/scenes that stand out the most to me in “Schindler’s List” were the cruelty and inhuman treatment towards the Jews. In the movie, most of the Germans showed no mercy toward the Jews and didn’t give a care about them, just slaughtering them all because they think the Jews are inferior along with other non-Aryan (Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, communists, homosexuals, disabled people, and Jehovah’s Witnesses). The Nazis first actions leading to the stages of the Holocaust was classifying the Jews with a star strapped to their arm, passing laws to take away their rights, then transport them to the ghettos, and finally developed their “final solution” to exterminate all the Jews in death camps scattered all around of Germany and Poland. The starvation and diseases was bad enough for the Jews, but massacring many more in death camps was just plain horrible for absolutely no reason, just because their not worthy to the Nazis eyes. I was disgusted with the harsh treatment that the Jews had to experience through all of this and manage to survive the horrible ordeal.

The characters that stand out the most to me were Schindler and Anom throughout the whole movie. It wasn’t because Schindler was the main character, but how his attitude has changed towards the Jews and his experience with them. All he wanted was to make lots of money and saw the opportunity to do so by going to Poland to make his fortune, but his experience with the Jews has changed him and wanted to help them. Schindler did various things to help save many of the Jews as he possibly could, like pretending their “essential workers” and buying many Jews until he was broke. Anom on the other hand was pretty ruthless toward the Jews and killed some of them for absolutely no reason, like one part where he killed a Jew who was just waking by and minding her own business. He even snipes any Jews from a balcony if they just stand there to take a little break from work, and have a Jewish maid which he beats her up pretty badly. These characteristic of Anom mostly stand out in the movie because of his ruthless and vicious personality towards the Jews.

The things I learned from watching the film was how badly the Nazis were treating the Jews and the horrible conditions they faced. I was stunned on how some of the Nazis killed the Jews without even showing any emotion when they did it. I mean didn’t they feel at least a bit of guilty at what they were doing was wrong and cruel? Couldn’t they have possibly thought up of something else that wouldn’t resolve in killing, or better yet not to blame other people like the Nazis blaming the Jews for their problems? Another thing I learned, was that not all of the Germans in the Nazis party wanted to kill the Jews, like Schindler hiring Jews to protect them from the camps and the little boy, Adam, working with the Nazis searching for any Jews who was hiding, which actually helped saved some of them. People like Schindler and Adam were heroes to me who helped saved many Jews from death during those times, and I just wish that there could be more people like them who would risk their lives to save other people in need.

While watching the movie, I was a bit confused near the ending when Schindler wanted none of his workers to make artillery shells for Germany. I think he said to buy it from different businesses, but won’t that make a suspicion to the Nazis patrolling the factory and realizing the workers aren’t making the right stuff? That’s the only question I had during the film and nothing else I could think of.

I like the film because of the true historical event/facts that was taken place in WWII that shows a lot of details on what happened in Poland with the Jews. The movie showed the aspect of reality that these things actually happened in WWII and the unbelievable harsh conditions the Jews had to face. The acting and the music was superb, it felt very real to me when they spoke with emotion and their use of body movement around the film. The music was beautiful and gave it a nice touch to the film. All in all the film was amazing in its true story and the accurate facts about the treatment that the Jews had to face. I enjoyed the film and never got bored or lost of interest toward the movie; it is a true masterpiece in my opinion.

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